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I've wanted to spread positivity ever since I was a kid. I love seeing and making people happy, which is what inspired me to make this music video. The theme of it was all around positivity and helping those around you, and what a song to really show that message.

Below you'll find some processes of making this video, as well as a Q&A answering some questions about my song and me as well.


Mr Blue Sky music video - frame at 0m37s.jpg

Having a video all about sunny and blue clear skies, you can imagine the problem I had with getting the perfect conditions for it -

British weather is known for its unreliability and just all around gloominess. After a while, I just started filming whenever I could - in the end it didn't actually matter too much, because in editing it didn't look too bad at all on the days where the weather was a bit worse.

Filming with others was a part that kept me sane throughout the whole filming process! It really made a difference having someone next to me, giving me suggestions on what to do and if a scene that we just filmed looked good or not. Also, it just made filming more fun  by having other people to talk to in between scenes, people to laugh at outtakes too and everything like that.

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Another part that I liked was the freedom that I had to film wherever I wanted: it gave me opportunity to go and film at places I haven't been in years, and places that I knew like the back of my hand to make my scenes look the best that they could. I was very lucky to have passed my driving test during the middle of this process, so it made getting to different locations much easier, regardless of where it was.


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