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  • Adam Jawad

Draft treatment

Updated: Nov 10, 2022

Target audience

As my song choice is quite old, I will have to use effective advertising to appeal to someone in the age range of 16-27 years old. Something I can use to my advantage is that my song, Mr Blue Sky, is a very well known song as it has been used in the hit film 'Guardians of the Galaxy', so it has more than enough recognition. The only thing I will need to do is put my advertisements onto social media as that is where my target audience will spend most of their time, so they could easily find it while scrolling through their feed.

Location plans

My original location will start in my house, specifically my bedroom, as I have blackout blinds which will fit my idea of starting off with the blinds shut, creating a dark atmosphere to begin with during the quieter part of the song - then, as the music gets louder, the blinds will be yanked open to reveal a sunny sky, which is where my logo will show. Afterwards, there will be a quick shot of me getting out of bed, which is where my artist logo will disappear and the song title will appear.

My other main location will be mainly based on a long winding street as I will be spending most of the video walking down it, as different scenarios will happen as I walk through it. I will use said street in both day and night time, just to give my video diversity.

Equipment plans

Equipment I will need for the physical filming aspect of the video are simply a tripod and a phone, which I have already.

Equipment I will need for the video include:

- Money, to give to someone playing as homeless

- Phone case, to act as a fake phone for when someone drops one

- Sign saying 'volunteers needed', so I can sign up to help

- Litter picking bag, so I can help someone who is picking up litter

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