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  • Adam Jawad


Updated: Mar 27, 2023

  • Bedroom

  • Living room

  • Westhill (Nina Carroll Way)

  • Bowling alley (New York Thunderbowl)

I will record in my bedroom for the first couple seconds, as I have a window that I can lean out of, which can be filmed from both angles (front and behind) - furthermore, I will be able to have the sunny sky above me when the shot is filmed from outdoors, which is where I will place my logo.

My main location for filming will be a new estate in Kettering Leisure Village called Westhill (Nina Carroll Way) - this is because it has long, winding roads that work for some of my scenes that consist of me walking down, performing different tasks throughout the shot.

It is also a good location as it has a park that can be used to represent the childlike, fun aspect of my music video that I hope to convey throughout my video.

I will also be filming in my living room with the scenes of me and one of my friends, as I can manipulate the lighting in the room to match the mood that I want to represent.

Finally, I plan to film at a bowling alley and take advantage of the bowling, pool and arcade in my filming - this is to highlight the positivity that my character brings to people around him through showing different activities between the two characters.

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