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  • Adam Jawad

Props and costumes

Updated: Mar 30, 2023

  • Tennis ball

  • Money

  • Phone case

  • Cardboard

  • Sign saying 'Help please'

  • Coat


  • I will be wearing bright blue clothes to represent the song name

  • Everyone else will be wearing dull coloured clothes

  • Darren will be wearing dull, black clothes to begin with, then towards the end wear bright clothing

My music video will have a distinct lack of props, as it is more performance based and relies more on myself. I will be using props such as bowling balls, pool cues etc. when I am filming in the bowling alley - however, I have not labelled these as they are not props that I can acquire by myself, and instead all belong to a location that I will be filming at.

I will need a tennis ball, as one of my scenes involves my actions matching the lyrics - as the song says 'Everybody's in the play', I will have a tennis ball thrown in off-camera and I will catch it to represent the playing aspect of my video.

I will need money, a phone case, a sign saying 'help please' and a coat to wear all for the same scene - this will consist of me walking down a long, winding street.

The first action will consist of one of my friends holding a cardboard sign stating 'Help please', with some other features to indicate that he is meant to represent someone who is homeless - for example, his costume will be a dark green, battered up coat which is stereotypically associated with homeless clothing. Furthermore, there will be broken, ripped pieces of cardboard to further highlight to the audience that he is homeless.

The second action will consist of another one of my friends walking casually down the street, and they will drop the phone case, with the intention of it being a real phone. I will then catch the phone and hand it back to them, representing the helpful side of my character.

The third and final action will consist of me walking past someone who is appearing cold and shivering, and I will take off my coat after realising that they are cold and handing it to them.

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